Vision & Values
Mission Statement
We aim deliver a quality service, consistently exceeding our Clients expectations and we envisage building long term relationships with our clients.
To fulfill the potential of our business and achieve our mission we must promote:
- Fair working practices
- Ongoing development of our employees and business
- Support of our workforce
- Application of the best in new technologies.
Our Customers
We recognise the unique and important contribution made by every individual person with whom we involve ourselves, to our work, to their own organisations and to the wider community. We welcome human diversity in all its forms and see diversity as fundamental an all our dealings with clients, partners, associates and the wider community.
We accept responsibility for caring for our staff, providing them with meaningful employment, with the opportunity to provide for themselves and their families and for ensuring, as far as we can, their continuing health, safety and welfare in the workplace.
We recognise the need of our clients to a safe and secure environment and regard their property, including intellectual property as being as important as our own.
We recognise that we must contribute to maintaining and improving the environment in which we operate through the application of our Environmental Policy, our Policy on Equality and Diversity and our Health and Safety Policy. In addition we regard as unacceptable the employment of child labour and forced labour. We will deal with our business partners and employees in an honest an honourable manner at all times.
Equal Opportunities & Diversity
The Company’s aim is to ensure that all of its employees and job applicants are treated equally irrespective of disability, race, colour, religion, nationality, ethnic origin, age, sex, or marital status. This policy sets out instructions that all employees are required to follow in order to ensure that this is achieved.
- Managers and supervisors who are involved in the recruitment, selection, promotion and training of employees have special responsibility for the practical application of the Company’s Equal Opportunity Policy.
- There shall be no discrimination on account of disability, race, colour, religion, nationality, ethnic origin, age, sex or marital status.
- Employees have personal responsibility for the practical application of the Company’s Equal Opportunity Policy, which extends to the treatment of members of the public and employees.
- The Company shall appoint, train, develop, and promote on the basis of merit and ability.
- The Grievance procedure is available to any employee who believes that he or she may have been unfairly discriminated against.
- Disciplinary action under the Disciplinary Procedure shall be taken against any employee who is found to have committed an act of unlawful discrimination. Discriminatory conduct and sexual or racial harassment shall be regarded as Gross Misconduct.
If there is any doubt about appropriate treatment under the Company’s Equal Opportunities Policy, employees should consult their HR management team.
Corporate Social Responsibility
We recognise the unique and important contribution made by every individual person with whom we involve ourselves, to our work, to their own organisations and to the wider community. We welcome human diversity in all its forms and see diversity as fundamental an all our dealings with clients, partners, associates and the wider community.
We accept responsibility for caring for our staff, providing them with meaningful employment, with the opportunity to provide for themselves and their families and for ensuring, as far as we can, their continuing health, safety and welfare in the workplace.
We recognise the need of our clients to a safe and secure environment and regard their property, including intellectual property as being as important as our own.
We recognise that we must contribute to maintaining and improving the environment in which we operate through the application of our Environmental Policy, our Policy on Equality and Diversity and our Health and Safety Policy. In addition we regard as unacceptable the employment of child labour and forced labour.
We will deal with our business partners and employees in an honest an honourable manner at all times.