
SIA Approved contractor

Clear Watch Security Limited holds SIA approved contractor status for the provision of Security Guarding. Choosing an ACS accredited supplier for the provision of your contract security services will help you to meet your security obligations to your staff, shareholders and other stakeholders.

Approved contractors are demonstrably committed to customer service and the compulsory licensing of their staff. This means their customers can rest assured that every private security operative deployed on their premises will be working within the law (unless we have withdrawn the company’s authority to deploy staff whose licence applications are pending, which can be checked via the public Register of Approved Contractors).



The Charter Standards set down the benchmark against which the contractor is assessed.

Due to the vast variation in contractor work activities, size and nature, the Standards are deliberately non-prescriptive which allows the auditors to use their best judgement and experience as to the specific level of evidence required to demonstrate compliance.

The Standards cover core elements including health and safety policies, risk assessment and first aid, but also include specific requirements relating to the activity for which accreditation is being sought.


ACT Action Counters Terrorism

NaCTSO (CT Policing’s National Counter Terrorism Policing Office) is a police unit that supports a network of 190 counterterrorism security advisers who work within local police forces to provide help, advice and guidance on counterterrorism protective security to specified industry sectors.

In 2017, NaCTSO, working with the Crowded Places Information Exchange (CPIE), identified the need for an e-learning course to help individuals within UK businesses better understand and mitigate against terrorism.
