5 Most Common Business Security Issues

Corporate security is so important to protect both your business and your staff. If you’re looking to learn how to protect your business from security risks such as burglaries, you’re in the right place. From access to the business premises being too easy to valuables being visible and attracting the attention of opportunists.
Is your business guilty of any of these common security issues?
Access to The Premises Is Too Easy
Making sure your premises is secure is such a simple yet often overlooked aspect of business security. An opportunist burglar will have a much easier time stealing from you if doors, windows, and other access points are unlocked and unsecured. For extra security, consider investing in shutters for windows, steel bolts for doors, as well as other security methods such as front of house security. This will make access and entry points more secure. These will also act as a deterrent for potential thieves as they’ll be able to immediately see that your business takes security seriously.
Valuables Are Visible
The smaller your premises and the more valuables you have makes it more difficult to store them out of sight. However whenever possible it’s always best to keep valuables away from the direct eye-line of a potential thief. Doing this will also reduce the likelihood of an attack by an opportunistic thief. As hoping that there are valuables on the premises is a much bigger risk to them than immediately knowing that they’re there.
Giving Burglars Good Hiding Places
Consider this: if you were a burglar and there were two identical businesses next-door to each other would you:
- Attack the business which looks dark and obscured where you’re likely to be able to sneak in without being seen?
- Or would you attack the business which looks well-lit and is clearly visible from the street or road?
More than likely, you’d pick the dark and obscured business. Why? Because burglars don’t want to be seen.
This same logic should be applied to your own business. Ensure that your building is well-lit with any trees or plants trimmed back to the building (and therefore potential thieves) can be seen much more easily.
Another easy way to discourage burglars, especially if your business is in a remote location, is to install CCTV, however it’s important that this is monitored 24/7 to prevent anyone slipping by unnoticed.
Having Weak Passwords
Although so far we’ve only discussed corporate security issues linked to physical burglaries, it’s important to never underestimate the possibility of a cyber-attack on your business, where a hacker or thief can steal confidential data and documents. This type of attack is becoming increasingly more likely as technology in general becomes much more advanced, so do cyber thieves and hackers.
A simple to fix, yet common security issue within many businesses is the issue of weak passwords. Weak passwords can be anything from something super simple and generic such as ‘abc123’ or something specific but easy to guess such as your surname or date of birth. When choosing a strong password, avoid anything that would be easy to guess, and try to include a range of letters, numbers, symbols as well as both upper and lower case – this will make your passwords much more difficult to predict, which should therefore significantly reduce the likelihood of a cyber-attack.
Disgruntled Former Employees
It’s so important for businesses to never underestimate a disgruntled former employee. A lot of businesses don’t remove access permissions, change passwords, door codes etc. when an employee leaves the company. From a security point of view, this immediately leaves you vulnerable to a variety of attacks including physical burglary as well as a cyber-attack. They will probably know your business inside-out and, in particular if they worked in IT, will almost certainly know how and where to access confidential information and files. To avoid this, make sure it’s company protocol to remove all ex-employees from all systems where they have administrative access as well as ensuring that any passwords and physical entry codes are changed.
There are so many ways to easily ensure that corporate security is a priority in your business by avoiding common the issues discussed in this post. If you’d like help with how to make your business more secure, contact us today.
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